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Landing pages - 5 min. read

What if your landing page could convert more?

Imagine that your landing page is like a pop-up shop or a stand at a market, giving people a taste of selected products. That’s the purpose of a landing page, it gives potential customers an impression and a feeling about what your products are about and invites them to explore further.

Unlike the homepage, a landing page is created especially to maintain your visitor’s attention and give them the best offer to take action. If we talk about a lead generation campaign, the purpose is to close the deal even if to order a pack of products, or to reserve a service for a great deal, whatever your business is about.

Landing pages are a vital component of any online marketing campaign, whether the visitor arrives on the landing page after clicking on an email, an ad, or an affiliate link. Landing pages provide several benefits, including a promise and a clear-cut offer like a discount, free trial, gift etc. This results in higher conversions compared to sending visitors directly to the home page and hoping they figure out how to find what was offered when they clicked.

Visually pleasing for users

Good images add to a sense of trust between the consumer and the company and remember that product images are the first option. Users respond better to pictures of real people, images of people using the product are even more compelling. But, keep in mind that what’s appropriate for one product or service won’t necessarily work for another.

Keep the landing page visual clear and simple and always focus on the user experience. The design purpose is to grab the user’s attention and reinforce the value of the offering. In a highly competitive market, a visually pleasing design is what you need to create a strong impression of your brand and products on your visitor’s mind.

Benefit oriented headline

The headline is the first focal point on your landing page. In the headline, you need to articulate your value proposition, state the benefits of your offer and differentiate from your competitors. With a benefit-oriented headline, your focus should be on the atmosphere that the user will experience once they use the product. By focusing on the value to the user, prospects are much more likely to convert than if you just talk about the company or products.

Clear and relevant content

Understanding the customers allows you to tailor the copy in a way that speaks directly to them. When customers understand that the products meet their needs or solve their problems, they are much more likely to convert.

Using elements like headlines and bulleted lists help highlight the benefits of the product. This is what users want to know first: what benefit will bring this product to me?

A short form

Asking for too much information can be a quick way to make visitors bounce from a landing page. The more fields you ask the visitor to fill in, the fewer people want to go through the process. To decrease a landing page’s bounce rate, you should not require users to fill out long forms. Before you make a long-form, ask yourself if the information is really necessary for you.

Make It Mobile-friendly

People don’t use smartphones only to browse on social media and read the email. They also make purchases, sign up for services, and otherwise complete actions companies want them to make.

So always make sure your landing page design is effective on mobile devices. Focus on the small detail that improves UX on mobile.


Don't let all this overwhelm you. If you are not a marketer, but you need leads for your business, count on us. We created email marketing campaigns from scratch, having all the technology and experience necessary to come up with some successful campaigns. You can contact us right here for a free consultation.